Reading the words of Henry B. Eyring, I have been inspired to write a series of principles to remember. I have been prompted to put these into three categories, to be more organized. They are the following: Preaching the gospel, Personal development, and Service. I think that saying "remember this, remember that" over and over again would not work very well for your learning, so I will try to speak in a way so you will be able to have the most enlightening experience.
#1: Remember 8 principles of missionary work:
1. Pray for Heavenly Father to let you participate in his work. He leads His work, so ask Him to let you participate; if not, your opportunities will be sorely limited.
2. Testify and speak of Christ. President Eyring said that this is the way to be greatest in your influence for good.
3. Cultivate the habit to teach. Everyone wants to learn.
4. Remember never to be overbearing. This is my only regret of my mission. Alma warns to use boldness, but not overbearance. I was too bold in my last transfer of my mission. I did not think to respect their personal development, for it is truly personal. I saw that overbearance scares a spirit, making them not trust the servants of God, and you should not let that happen.
5. Be a witness of the purity of Jesus Christ. We represent Christ, and we need to know that our best efforts are a witness of his grace.
6. Teach unto repentance aimed at covenants.
7. Remember the invitation to come unto Christ.
8. Remember to not be afraid to invite. An invitation is an expression of love.
#2: Personal development:
I have 24 things that I think should be in our minds continually, I don’t want you to be overwhelmed, so I will try to make it as smooth as possible.
1. Remember to keep worthy of the Spirit by keeping the commandments.
2. Remember to follow the Holy Ghost.
3. Remember to be humble. Never do a vain thing.
4. Remember to use the Atonement in your life. The Atonement is the means by which the father heals his children from all infirmities. Nothing is impossible.
5. Remember how merciful the Lord has been unto the children of men.
6. Remember to pray. Let Heavenly Father participate in every aspect of your life. He is there for you, even more than your earthly father. He loves you. Heavenly Father is a limitless being. He will do all that is righteous for you. I memorized a verse of scripture, where he says "even I have given the Heavenly Hosts and mine angels charge concerning you." Heavenly Father is the universe’s most hard-working man, and He is more perfect than you can understand. He is here for you.
7. Remember to be grateful.
8. Remember to rely on the cornerstone and the keystone of our religion. They are Jesus the Christ and the Book of Mormon.
9. Remember to read the Book of Mormon daily.
10. Remember the need to work.
11. Remember your covenants.
12. Remember to read, ponder, and memorize the scriptures. Give plenty of time to study the word of God. My last transfer of my mission was when I was most bold. I even sought to be as Thomas S. Monson with his photographic memory. He has testified and promised that memorizing one scripture a day can unlock this gift. Why would you want to have photographic memory? It is a powerful tool to serve man. I memorized D&C 84: 85, which says: "Neither take ye thought beforehand what ye shall say, but treasure up in your minds continually the words of life, and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man." I believe that President Monson’s maintaining of his knowledge of the words of life and his photographic memory is exemplary of how to fulfill this scripture. We need to seek to be as our prophets. Don’t think that their abilities are unattainable. We don’t have to seek after photographic memory, but we ought to exercise as much faith as possible to serve God as they do. We should be inspired to seek to have their abilities. The prophets desire to raise us up to their level of work. Great faith comes by the knowledge of the word of the Lord. Reading and knowing the scriptures is one of the most powerful ways for God to communicate with us. Brother Hiatt spoke of President Monson’s promise of photographic memory last week here. He heard President Monson say it himself. I have again begun to memorize the Book of Mormon as I did on my mission, and I plan to know the scriptures, so I can be the greatest servant that I can.
13. Remember to take control of your life.
14. Remember to hold fast to your knowledge. Learn what is right and wrong, and search for the light of Christ.
15. Remember to seek after a Christ-like personality.
16. Remember the happiness that comes of the Gospel.
17. Remember to come to understand the workings of the Spirit. He has taught me how to feel. I understand that coming to know how the spirit feels is difficult. I don’t know the extent of the feelings of the Holy Ghost, but I prayed to understand the Holy Ghost. On my mission I learned that the Holy Ghost works with each person equally. You can hear the voice, feel, and understand the Holy Ghost. Seek after the gifts of the Spirit. There are countless gifts. You could even make them up. I thought that I could not feel the burning of the Holy Ghost in my heart. After praying for many hours, I received this gift to feel the Holy Ghost; therefore, seek after the gifts of the spirit. Obtain these special abilities that you may be more perfect and a greater servant in the work of God.
18. Remember that doing all of God’s expectations is possible.
19. Remember how influential your life can be. Seek to take the most from each moment, being most effective.
20. Remember to be one with the saints.
21. Remember Christ leads His church and His servants
22. Remember to follow them
23. Remember to write. We have been taught that angels record everything. How much would we benefit if we had these records? We are to be mortal angels, and do likewise. As you may think in beginning to memorize the Book of Mormon, I would start at the first verse of first Nephi. When I was reciting this verse, his words "I make a record of my proceeding in my days" felt profound because I write an in-depth journal for myself.
24. Remember to be prepared for anything. President Eyring taught: "Once, I went with my missionary companion to visit a family we had taught and baptized just a few weeks previously. The parents took us down into their basement to show us a room. It had been the bedroom of one of their two daughters. But she had now moved in with her sister. The bedroom she vacated was filled with everything the family would need in an emergency.We had not taught them anything about emergency preparedness. When we asked why they had done something so difficult so quickly, the reply was that they had read in a Church magazine that the Lord would like families to be prepared to take care of themselves and others. They said, 'Isn’t that what Latter-day Saints do?' That simple faith extended to everything they felt the Savior would have them do. And their desire to follow Him lasted. And it changed them. They had always been kind, trying to help others. But that ability to show charity grew. And that has been the pattern in all those I have known who continued to come unto Him over a lifetime."
#3: Eight things to remember in our service to all men:
1. Remember to serve all men.
2. Remember to serve the dead by doing temple work and your genealogy.
3. Remember the poor and needy and to impart of your substance to them. Visit them.
4. Remember to visit the erring brother.
5. Remember to not limit anyone. Don't underestimate a child of God.
6. Remember the priesthood and to magnify your calling.
7. Remember your friends and family.
8. Remember to be a brother’s keeper and to sustain them.
I hope that the repetition was not too much, but this is what I have been lead to say. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
This blogger website includes all my previous posts that I have ever posted from my Thai blog to my world news blog to my advocacy blog to my portfolio blog.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Looking for another job.
20 February 2012
Dear family,
I have been sentenced to sit at a computer because I have
done something wrong perhaps. I told Mary that I got a job interview for
tonight, and she replied no. I don't know what that means. I attempted to
communicate, but she did not let me use the translator. Mary said according to
the contract that she has not drawn up yet, I am supposed to only teach at her
school, giving this school the competitive edge. I have an interview tonight at
seven, and I don't what Mary is going to pull on me.
On Friday I realized that I do have a role at the school
here. I did not tell you about this because it comes in short notice, but I
teach middle school students age twelve on Saturday. I had three on the first
day, but they did not come a couple days ago. I have to sell me teaching skills
in China. I just completed being informed that my foolish mistake, and the assumed topic was what Itransgressed.
I was further instructed not to say anything about her family or the school. On
Saturday he said that I should talk to President Benson about getting a job.
This past week, starting Monday the thirteenth, upon
revelation the sabbath day, the day before. I received the guidance that I
should no longer study the Book of Mormon with my dictionary, for I am not
learning real Chinese. I am learning reformed Egyptian translated into
Simplified Chinese. During the week that I was studying the mandarin Book of
Mormon, I felt weak. I learned on last Sunday that I should have my scripture
study and my Chinese language study seperate. The progression in studying
Chinese is too slow to count it as my scripture study.
I assume that most of you have not read the lasted article that I send for the OBWeekly, but I
see that I have a lot of time in the morning to study. In priesthood a brother was lead to testify that at the MTC. He heard Thomas Monson promise his gift of Photographic memory, if you memorize one verse a day. I
am assume that it is sequential in order. On my mission, Iattempted
this, so this is not new to me. I have gone a week so far. A verse in Doctrine and Covenants 84:85 says: Niether take ye thought beforehand what ye shall say, but treasure up in your minds continually the words of like, and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man.God said that portion that is meted unto every man shall be given to us. This bless is much larger than just teaching the gospel. These words are so powerful. I don't know how to explain.
I was further asked by the branch to prepare a talk, which I said yesterday. I already gave you the talk, so I do not need to explain.It should be at, if not ask Eliza about it.
There is a social networking website here in China. It is
called QQ. Ilike to meet people on the bus to Suzhou, and get their
QQ number if they are cool. We practice Chinese, and talk. The girl that Imet
on the bus coming home was cool, but Ihad to deal with drama this evening with it though. Girls like to have friends, and two random girls asked me to be their friends. Idid
not know them, and I did not want with chatting with random mysterious girls. I
had to put an end to dealing with the random people, so Iasked them where they got my number.They refused to answer. Igave
both of them five seconds to tell me; then, I deleted them off the list.
One finally broke down, and said that she was not able to tell me in English. I
did not understand that, but she told me in Chinese. Qin Dan, the
girl that Imet on the bus gave, my number to them. Iasked if the girl
knew the other random girl, and they were actually roommates. haha. Iseem to like to make drama in China.
This weekend Ihung out with Andres, the Ecudarian guy. He thought that it was coincidental that he knows Martiza, my sister in law, and that she married Thomas. Another thing that was coincidental, which happened when we were talking with a couple other YSA about learning Chinese, was that Andres was talking about the Book of Mormon programs that he downloaded to help him learn Chinese, and the guy that made one of the programs was one of the couple YSA.
We seem to be naturally coming together to be good friends.
I was hoping to hang out on
Saturday. I spoke with Nicole about hanging out. I was worried that the YSA
would just be a group of friends that hangs out without dating. I thought that
Nicole and I can set an example and a good foundation for us to date each
other; however, she is recovering from a spine injury, so we could not do it
this weekend as hoped.
Just a few minutes ago in my pursuits to find a job, I
received a phone call from Mark from Oakland, California. He is in Shanghai for
some reason though. I saw his opportunity as he asked for a passionate creative
write. It looks like I am going to be a GHOST WRITER! This is an awesome job
title. haha. He said that it will pay forty yuan an hour, which is about 6.35
dollars, but I am excited about the job. He is Dyslexic that is why he needs
the Ghost writer. The topics of the book is what I love too, which as eaching.
learning disabilities, and business.
Another thing that happened this past week is interesting.
One of the faculty leaders has been taking me to the campus cafeteria for
lunch, but since she cannot speak English, she was lead to basically sit me to
myself. I was tired to dealing with a lonesome lunch。 I felt like everyone was talking and laughing about me, so I got up. I saw that I know that one of the sister at least knows a little English, so I
went to talk to her and eat Lunch with her. After that day I was received by
the faculty a friendly. They take me up to hang out with them. One day last week four of the sisters and I went out after lunch to KFC, celebrating a sister's
birthday. I named three of the four sisters each as the following names:
Mellisa, Andrea, and Erika. I was happy that I was lead to take control of
that situation. They are very friendly. They invite me to join their family on
outings, but on the weekends, I want to be in Suzhou with the Saints as long as
I can.
I may be moving to Shanghai to write a book, and I have great news too!
22 February 2012
Dear Family,
My life has been on a rollercoaster. Last night I felt odd, for the last few days have plagued me with a cold. My circumstance is developing quite odd. Last night I was told to prepare to visit Sam's family in Rugo. I had this opportunity to write this book with Mark, which seems to be a man of great statue. I was talking to friends, and in that time as my teaching opportunity here at Mary's International Education seems to be closing on me. I had to answer to this Mark. I will add his cover letter, which he has sent me, so you can understand.
The fact is that my teaching opportunity with Mary is gone. The English program was not managed properly and fell apart from the get go. That is my opinion.
It was an interesting situation this morning, for it began with Mary, telling me that the English school will be closing and I was not going to Rugo. I was shocked. She was going to the school, commiting me to do my passion, which is communicating and writing. She asked me "Why I was not writing?" I replied. It is because I don't know what to do with my life, and I don't know my options. I pondered how I can take control of my life. I was lead to email Mark, a proposition that I can move down to Shanghai, and we can write his book. I was lead to do this as I spoke to some friends, for I was arranging to see them in Rugo. I did not know what to do, but I felt expected to go to my office at the school. When I arrived I checked my gmail, I saw an email from BYU idaho, saying that they have made the decision, concerning my admission. This morning has been exciting. When Mary was going to came in to tell me that she was going to buy me a ticket for my flight home, my shocked and dreary state changed to rejoicing. I have been accepted in at Brigham Young University Idaho. I finally may have taken control of my life too, for I am awaiting Marks decision, concerning living with them. I hope to stay here as long as possible to learn Chinese. I wonder if I can teach part time, when I am working with Mark in Shanghai.
Take care
Dear Family,
My life has been on a rollercoaster. Last night I felt odd, for the last few days have plagued me with a cold. My circumstance is developing quite odd. Last night I was told to prepare to visit Sam's family in Rugo. I had this opportunity to write this book with Mark, which seems to be a man of great statue. I was talking to friends, and in that time as my teaching opportunity here at Mary's International Education seems to be closing on me. I had to answer to this Mark. I will add his cover letter, which he has sent me, so you can understand.
The fact is that my teaching opportunity with Mary is gone. The English program was not managed properly and fell apart from the get go. That is my opinion.
It was an interesting situation this morning, for it began with Mary, telling me that the English school will be closing and I was not going to Rugo. I was shocked. She was going to the school, commiting me to do my passion, which is communicating and writing. She asked me "Why I was not writing?" I replied. It is because I don't know what to do with my life, and I don't know my options. I pondered how I can take control of my life. I was lead to email Mark, a proposition that I can move down to Shanghai, and we can write his book. I was lead to do this as I spoke to some friends, for I was arranging to see them in Rugo. I did not know what to do, but I felt expected to go to my office at the school. When I arrived I checked my gmail, I saw an email from BYU idaho, saying that they have made the decision, concerning my admission. This morning has been exciting. When Mary was going to came in to tell me that she was going to buy me a ticket for my flight home, my shocked and dreary state changed to rejoicing. I have been accepted in at Brigham Young University Idaho. I finally may have taken control of my life too, for I am awaiting Marks decision, concerning living with them. I hope to stay here as long as possible to learn Chinese. I wonder if I can teach part time, when I am working with Mark in Shanghai.
Take care
I made it through my first week of teaching.
15 February 2012
I am catching on to a little Chinese. I hope that this email will be a little simpler than the last couple. I taught four more classes last week. I had an assistant a couple classes; although, the class does get out of control sometimes. I am catching on a little. The second class that I taught alone was a lot better than the first. During one class I thought that I needed to teach both classes, since the other teacher is gone. There was a heap of balloon in my classroom, and I was planning to play a game and rest before we have the second class. I was going to teach them duck duck goose, but when I said game they went crazy, and ran to the balloons drawing faces on them. I have learned to teach the class. I will continue to learn as a teacher. I had some brilliant points this week. 彦 is the character of Brilliant, or that is what I remember the definition。
Most nights this week I went out with friends. I went out three times with 等一个人. I call him my cousin, for he is Yacht's cousin. His name is Yao. He took me out to a restaurant each time. Two of the times were in very luxurious places. This is a hint of how spoiled the children are. I met a girl the first time we made plans to hang out, which was Wednesday. She was "a sister of Yao's," but she is actually just a very close family friend. I asked if she would hang out with us; however, Yao made plans to hang out on Tuesday. Tuesday night we went out for dinner. I could never decide an informed meal at the restaurant, so I told them to get me something that I probably have never eaten, and Guess what they got me. They got me Duck Liver soup. It tasted interesting; kind of like egg yolks. Afterward we went to play pool, Yao thought that I was good, but I could not say that I am good at pool. Yao's friend Xu had great skill though, so Yao and I played to first game. The game would have lasted forever though because we could not hit the eight ball in a pocket; however, Yao scratched on it twice. We call it a tie; then, we played two on one, and Xu totally destroyed us.
The next night I thought that we were going to hang out similarly as the night before but with Youn Yi; however, since she is a family friend, the mother organized a great night out. We went to a new block in China. They are building new blocks and roads like crazy here. Today I went on my first run in China, and I saw the rare sight of a building being demolished, so they are building a lot here. We went to a special hot pot restaurant usually there is one big hot pot, but this one had one for each individual. Youn Yi said that her boyfriend was in the area, and they wanted to hang out since they rarely see each other. I was grateful that I was able to help her in that way. We watched Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. I was worried that it may be in Chinese like the Harry Potter movie that I watched it Thailand was in Thai. I thought that it was funny because it was the Chinese that had watch the movie in subtitles not me. Another crazy thing that I need to tell you about the movie is that it was a 4d movie; although, the movie was not 3d. It was wierd. A sharp burst of air would be shot at you went someone is shot. Wind would be made in the theater when the scene is changed to an exotic place, and water would be splashed at you went the camera in near the water.
The next night was Thursday, and everyone was preparing to go to their universities, for it started this past week. I wanted to hang out with Shirley a last time. I thought that doing it as soon as possible would be better, so she would not be in a rush or pressure later. She had me over at her house. The family had spring rolls during dinner, and her grandma made homemade noodles from buckwheat! Shirley alone spoke English. Afterward we went out with her parent to the mall. Seeing the culture of shopping was weird; however, it made sense for her family because the mother loves to knit, so she studies the clothing patterns. I humbled myself to see the greatest of the different designer's imagination, creativity, and style. When the parent got tired of walking, Shirley and I checked out the arcade. We saw a could girls, playing DDR, and I said that I know how to play that game a lot better than them. We decided to play the game, and I played mainly alone since the game needs skill. :(
Friday night Yao invited me to dinner again. I meet more of his university friends. Every Chinese student that I have meet has only attended one semester. We went to another great restruant, but after I did something that I never done before. I went to a KTV! ~ yeah. It is karaoke. I have asked around about places to dance in China, but the youth don't dance, so I am off the hook. Karaoke seems to be the dancing hobby of Asia for the soul to express it's artistic self with their voice. It was as I imagined. I do not know any popular songs, so I cannot follow the melody. I did sing a Beatles' song. They did not want to sing another Beatles' song though after the first, since the band is so old.
Monday was my last lesson. That morning Mary wrote in Google translate that the parents don't like me to teach.
I replied why don't your statement have a conclusion? Like although the parents don't like your teaching style. I trust that you will get better, and you still have the job. I did not understand why she would just tell me the opinion of the parents. Shirley asked what I will be doing these days. I assumed that I still had the class to teach. She asked if I still had to teach the next day. I wonder why she would ask and showed Mary the text to see if they were on the same page. Of course I was out of the loop. Mary then confirmed that I was not going to teach the next day. I asked her about the future of the class. She said that the parents still need to enroll in the class and pay tuition. hmmm.. That must have meant that I was not actually teaching the class. I was not being trained. It was a trial period to show the parents what is going on in the class, and that is it.
I know hope to learn Chinese. The people here see that the English language is popular, wanting their children to learn it. Since I have something that they want, I have a lot of opportunity still here. I hope to stay as long as I can, and that I will be accepted at BYU, so I can return in the Fall. I work now to continue my goals in developing the skill of teaching. Mary wants an experience teacher, and I am not an experienced teacher. There are plenty of opportunities here for amateur teachers.
Take care
Alexander Hicken
also know as
朱彦龙 (Zhu Yan Long)
Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan's names are also Long. I means Dragon.This year is the year of the Dragon, and I was born the year of the Dragon, so that's my Chinese name. Yan is the same middle name as Yacht's.
Preparing for Work, and the learning curve of teaching is truly high. I feel the burn.
8 February 2012
Dear Family,
I should tell what is going on before I have to write another long chapter to my China Life story. By the way, it still sounds like a warzone outside.
I should tell what is going on before I have to write another long chapter to my China Life story. By the way, it still sounds like a warzone outside.
I hear that it is the Lantern Festival today. Yesterday I went on QQ, a social networking instant messaging website, and I said hello to all my friends. 等一个人, a cousin of Yacht's, explained the occasion of the day. This day is the final day of the Spring festival. The lantern festival is themed after an ancient inventor that invented the flying lantern. It is an unmanned hot air ballon. They used to use this in war. 等一个人 said that sending these lanterns to fly symbolizes that thinks are well. We got to the temple after ten pm, so we missed the big event when hundreds are sent flying at once. I did see them though. I was very windy, so it was difficult to let them go successfully. 等一个人's family bought a few, and we tried to fly one, but it failed. I have a couple, so we can do it at home. Flying these lantern are illegal now, since they cause fires, but Traditions are hard to stop.
I woke up Monday morning, (This is monday, the thirtieth of January.) wanting to go practice Tai Chi, but I figured that this well be a beginning of a normal week or something new, so I should wait for Mary to tell me what is happening. She indeed had something big, having me meet with some education experts at 9:30 am.
I was use making lesson plans, and this is the main thing that we did at first. At 9:25 a girl walked in, calling herself Shirley. We have become very good friends hanging out for the past week. Shirley is seventeen years old. Shirley was a child of learning disabilities, so her parents and her decided, since she is a girl, who should 'stay home;' instead of going to high school, she goes to an institute, skipping high school. She is studying for a bachelor's degree to be an English teacher; although, she has never taught a class. She has been a great help and my translator too. We made our first lesson plan before lunch and a couple others in the afternoon. She helped me get in to a prespective of teaching six to seven year old children.
The next day I practiced the lessons before Mary; Shirley; Mr. Yu, the real education expert; and an other friend. (They vary.) Mary expected me to bring material to China. I see what type of material that she wanted how, and I could not have provided what she wanted. Kindergarden is for children age 2-6. It is basically preschool for all those years. The reason that I could not provide that material is because they have a completely different perspective on education. All this week they have been teaching me to be a performer. Kindergarden teachers have to be active because this shocking fact. I had to ponder a while to accept it. Chinese parents do not teach their children to read or write. They depend on primary school to teach them these skills. This is necessary according to their language, since there is no alphabet. I would think that the parents could teach their children. Maybe the government instilled this in the people to promote trust. I just got back from church, and a man named Mike moved into the branch. His wife got a job practically identical to mine; however, the school system that she works for is a lot more organized. It is organized by Disney, and she likes the job saying that it is her easiest teaching job. She is learning to be a performer like me. Learning this things of the Chinese Education system has been shocking, and I have needed to humble myself to these traditions. When I learned this, I thought to myself. "So much for bring the American style Kindergarden to China as sought after by word before I arrived."
I was use making lesson plans, and this is the main thing that we did at first. At 9:25 a girl walked in, calling herself Shirley. We have become very good friends hanging out for the past week. Shirley is seventeen years old. Shirley was a child of learning disabilities, so her parents and her decided, since she is a girl, who should 'stay home;' instead of going to high school, she goes to an institute, skipping high school. She is studying for a bachelor's degree to be an English teacher; although, she has never taught a class. She has been a great help and my translator too. We made our first lesson plan before lunch and a couple others in the afternoon. She helped me get in to a prespective of teaching six to seven year old children.
The next day I practiced the lessons before Mary; Shirley; Mr. Yu, the real education expert; and an other friend. (They vary.) Mary expected me to bring material to China. I see what type of material that she wanted how, and I could not have provided what she wanted. Kindergarden is for children age 2-6. It is basically preschool for all those years. The reason that I could not provide that material is because they have a completely different perspective on education. All this week they have been teaching me to be a performer. Kindergarden teachers have to be active because this shocking fact. I had to ponder a while to accept it. Chinese parents do not teach their children to read or write. They depend on primary school to teach them these skills. This is necessary according to their language, since there is no alphabet. I would think that the parents could teach their children. Maybe the government instilled this in the people to promote trust. I just got back from church, and a man named Mike moved into the branch. His wife got a job practically identical to mine; however, the school system that she works for is a lot more organized. It is organized by Disney, and she likes the job saying that it is her easiest teaching job. She is learning to be a performer like me. Learning this things of the Chinese Education system has been shocking, and I have needed to humble myself to these traditions. When I learned this, I thought to myself. "So much for bring the American style Kindergarden to China as sought after by word before I arrived."
One adventure that I had with my friend Shirley is that we went to a library and a book store. I was looking for a dictionary, pulling a Brother Duckworth.I got a Madarin Book of Mormon last Sunday. Sunday I learned that it is simplified Chinese. Traditional Chinese is more real and comprehendsive in the writing, so I would rather begin with that I think to understand where the simplified Chinese is coming from. Simplified Chinese is more modern though.
I rode Mary's bicycle. It was fun to try to participate in the madness of the road. Shirley wondered why I would laugh at her when she would walk in the middle of the road, and a car would have to stop suddenly. In front of most places there is an area, which people would park there bicycles, since cycling is more common than cars. Riding in the libraries bicycle parking lot and seeing that for the first time was interesting. They rarely use bike racks. They just lock a wheel of the bike to itself.
We visited the library first. It was kind of week. They did not even have a dictionary that we were looking for. Shirley and Irene showed me the English section of the Library, and they only had one series of books. They were the Chicken Soup series for the soul.We went up to the childrens section of the library, and That place was a mess. I was surprised to see that the books were very big like novels. I did not see any children style books as we know. This makes sence now that I know that parents don't teach there children to read or write.
At the book store we were lead to a new good friend. His name is Wind, and he is from Ru Gao, the place of Mary's family. I visited there last week, so I have friends there, pondering visiting him as he did me Saturday. Of course since we were in China, finding a Chinese to English dictionary was hard. Shirley would pull out primarily English to Chinese dictionaries with a very small Chinese to English dictionary in the back. Wind pulled out a fat dictionary though more than two thousand pages long, weighing like eight pounds. I was in my Jamaican understanding of foriegn money, thinking that holding a more than a couple hundred dollars was normal. After buying the 238 yuan dictionary, I realized that the dictionary was about forty dollars. The book is old, and it looked like it was at the store for many years. I feel that God has been saving that book for me, since it is perfect.
There is another Californian that is working with us. His name is Eddie. He came to teach too. His teaching opportunity is with freshmen in college. Earlier in the week I was scaried that my stay may be cut short, since I learned on Friday that this job is only a weekend job. I wonder how many job openings there are, since Eddie is being recruited too. I still don't know how many the answer of these ponderings. Eddie has another job at a local restaurant, so I may have to work on getting another job.
This past week another small was worked out, but it is necessary. I want a clock on me one with an alarm because I want to be able to control when I wake up in the morning. One day I wanted to begin waking up at six o' clock, since I want to study the scriptures and Chinese; however, I did not have an alarm. I prayed to God to wake me up at six, and I prepared by going to sleep at ten o' clock. The next morning God woke me up at six o' clock, and I studied the Book of Mormon in Manadrin for two hours. With my knowledge of how to use the dictionary I only found the meaning of four characters. Well although it felt like a little. I learned a lot. 摩 means mo. It is part of the name Mormon. Looking at each part of the character of mo. I see the 摩 means the journal rubbings on the surface. I was surprised to see that is the definition of 摩 it says conflict of two nations caused a war too. 广 means wide and extensive (knowledge). 手 shou means hand, a person doing or good at a certain job with hands, handbook, handy. He is a real crafts man. 摩门 mo+men. 门 is pronounced as men, and it means door. In more of the definition of 门, I saw whole family, blessings has descended upon the house, school, and a branch of study.
The title of the Book of Mormon is 摩门经 见证耶稣基督的另一部约书。 见证 means witness, and it is pronounced jian zheng. 耶稣 is Jesus pronounced yesu, and Christ is spelt 基督。耶 ye of 耶稣 has no meaning, but it is part of pronouncation. 稣, su, of yesu 耶稣 means revive and come to. The pronouncation is jidu. 基, ji, means foundation or base, and 督,du, means super-intended or direct. I think that this means the foundation of Christ is intended directly and especially for you. 的 means nothing, but it is a character used to connect adjectives to a noun it is pronounced as de. 另 is pronounced as ling, meaning another. 一部, meaning volume, is pronounced as yibu. 约 is pronounced as yue, meaning to make an appointment. This same character can be known as yao, meaning weigh. Shirley said that it may mean that the book is appointed. 书 is pronounced as shu, meaning book. There is the title of the Book of Mormon in Mandarin,Momen jing: zheng yesu jidu de ling yibu yue shu.
Yesterday I had my first lesson. I teach 6-7 year old children; although, they seem younger than that because I am trying to teach them with another language. I did well in the lesson for about twenty minutes; then, since I overestimated my skill and kids, the lesson fell apart. I was hoping to do a role play of the movie that we watched, but the class got out of control before I can try. I did not approach the class correctly that is why it fell apart. I am trying to teach them the key phrase: How old are you? I am #. I need to figure out how to teach them, and keep their attention for a hour. A child that I named Jason was literally practicing break dancing when things were out of control. Luckily there was a back up song that we taught them with the tv. We play the some like ten times; until, we said Good Bye.
I went out with Yacht's cousin last night again to hang out. We went to play pool after we had dinner. I asked them to get me something that I never tried before, and they got me Duck Liver soup. Yao is the name of the Cousin like Ming Yao, the basketball player. They were saying that Ming is actually his first name. Chinese tell there last name first and so forth backwards. I won somewhat against Yao in pool; although, be hit all his balls into the pockets before me. He scratched twice on the eight ball, and the Chinse don't lose when they do that. At the rate that we were playing, trying to hit the eight ball in, we would have played forever. He introduced me to a couple of his best friends: Xu and Xue. After the everlasting game, Yao and I tried to beat Xu, since he had good skill. Both of us totally lost to him. We hung out at McDonald's, talked, and played 21, the card game; until, Xue and I had to go home, for we wanted to be home by ten.
Saturday evening was an adventure, I had to take the buses alone to Church. I stayed at the Okeson's household. Gratefully Mary arranged for someone to take me to the bus 178 from the bus station. I would have been lost. Trying to get off at the Okeson's bus stop was fun too. I had help somewhat there too.
Church was good. It was good fast Sunday. During priesthood, we practice the memorization of the Oath and Covenant. I know that I had to learn it, so I memorized it during the past week. The spirit is strong here; although, I feel weak. Sabbath supper was good. The host family seems to embrace life so much that they don't let others to talk. It was good though.
Thomas there is a guy from Ecuador here named Andre Galan. He is on an Exchange program, learning Chinese. He knows president Lara, and he was raised in the Guayaquil North Mission area. He is super friendly, and a friend that you may recognize that lives near President Lara is named Franandez.
There were a few guys and a few girls in the YSA here everyone is a teacher of English. I want to go out with a girl named CC, but she seems to be really into Andre. Another girl that I think is cute, which I ponder going out with on Saturday is named Nicole from Taiwan. She is interesting because she got a PhD in English, studying at England, so she has a british accent.
I tried so hard to email you earlier, but I have been unable.
Love Alex
Celebrating the New Year AND I have a real branch to attend!
29 January 2012
(Hint to Elder Hicken and Angulo) THIS is a NOVEL.
Dear Family,
This week has been amazing. God works in mysterious ways. On Wednesday Mary took me to celebrate the New Year with her family. She has like six siblings, so currently her family is rich in the ability to have great reunions. I fear that the tradition of celebrating the New Year with a great amount of family will deminish in a few generations, since most families only have one children now. Soon instead of siblings unite with their parents and children, it may be the child meeting their parents with their children. The population will decrease dramatically; then, they will have to stop the one child rule.
The first evening I meet a lot of her family. They gambled, playing a card game, as they waited for dinner. Fruit was served, and I was able to eat fresh Apples, Cutie Oranges, and Longan. At dinner we were gathered around a table. Not all of the family could gather around the table, but I may have been at the main table. They brought out many dishes. Guess how many... TWENTY different dishes. Since this was the real Chinese traditional food, I had to try each dish. They were mostly very good. I wondered about the meat that tasted of cheese though.
I was able to communicate with a few people very limitedly. I think that I may come home with a habit to talk very slowly. I was served milk at dinner, and it tasted a little like medicine. It was suppose to "flavored." It did not taste very well, but they do what they do. After dinner I was so cold. I was lead up stairs to my room, and they let me use their laptop. Even though it was only like seven thirty. I did not feel like hanging out cold, so I went to sleep super early. I don't think that I have endured jet lag.
Wednesday morning before we left to visit Mary, my host,'s family, I woke up about seven, my usual time. I look out the window to see China, and I saw many adults, practicing Tai Chi, at the school that I will be teaching at. I had to go join them. When I first met them, I asked for the teacher; then, they realized that I was Mary's new teacher, since I spoke English. They could barely speak a word of English, so they continued. Their movements were hard to imitate at first. After watching them, they pulled out their swords. That was cool to see. I still tried to imitate them. When they concluded, practicing with their swords, they pulled out their fans. I got better at imitating them; then, one gave me a fan to practice with. They practiced to music, and for one song I did pretty well. I was pulled off to the side by a teacher, when they practice with two fans; one in each hand. The teacher show me the basic steps of Tai Chi until the morning work out was over. They practice each morning at seven, but I have not joined them yet because I went to celebrate the New Year with Mary's family and CHURCH.
I woke up really early on Thursday, since I went to sleep super early. I checked my email, since I could not think of anything else to. I was not informed how to prepare properly for the trip. In my emails I saw my application progress as I entrusted it to my parents after my best efforts. A couple days ago I received an email saying that they received my transcripts in time and my application, further explaining an acceptance letter may be coming.
Mary likes to sleep in, and there was not much to do Thursday morning. Since my feet were cold, I took a walk. My feet being cold has been a cause that seems to be only a temperary dilemma; although, I feel that I have adapted quickly. The desire to have warm feet was a focus of my decisions the first few nights. The nights and days have sounded like a war outside or a hurricane with all the fireworks. Mary's family did not have any so I did not personally see the adundant fireworks at a good view.
After lunch on Thursday I was still bored, hanging out. I want up to my room with a hint of home sickness, but I mainly wanted to keep my feet warm in my bed. When they found me there, they said that they had pulled out the badminton rackets and a birdy to play with. I went down to hang out, and I saw one of the family grandma's picking seeds out of cotton. I saw that helping her would be the most amazing thing. When they saw this, they came and joined the work, and we finished picking the seed out of bundles of cotton. Too bad I forgot my cord to my camera I took a good picture of everyone together. (I also forgot my shaver cord to charge that, so at church today I looked a little scruffy.
I did get a razor and shaving cream on the day, which this paragraph is describing, but I have this as a new skill to learn.)
Thursday evening was interesting. Mary said that she was going to take me out to dinner. I never know exactly what is going on, but I trust the Chinese people. I was taken to another family gathering. At first I did not understand that was the case, for a government worker introduced me to "English students of the local university," which I found out latter that it was just another family gathering hosted by Mary's Sister's family. The government worker of the daughter of a family friend, which was my age, that was a local English teacher too. The government worker spoke English very well, so we were friends perhaps. I tried to ask her out; although, she lived like two hours away. I am still working on that. One thing that I had to overcome was that Mary would tell me what to say and try to chose the food that I would eat, but I overcame this when I met at this family dinner. I met all the "English students individually." I recalled that on named Christy said that she would be willing to teach me Mandarin. Sarah, the government worker, and Mary lead me to eat at another table that the sister was hosting. Mary's sister's husband loved my excitement to try all the new Chinese food, and he would spin the thingabob with each new dish served to me. It is tradition at these dinners to have toasts like twenty times. I think that it is partially a measure of seeking to be drunk. A man named Mister Wang came to meet me. I expected to go aside to talk a little bit, but he just main a toast, which was all that he expected. I asked his name, but he went back to his friends table. The government worker said that he wanted to make friends with me, since I was American, wanting to host me for dinner the next day. As I sat next to my government worker friend, kind of feeling like my date, I asked for a pen and a pencil, since she explained that we can communicate through a social networking organization popular in China called QQ. Each person suppose to have a number for this social network. I wanted Christy's help learning Mandarin, so I went to go find her with the pen and paper to obtain this "number." It turned out that my new friend Mister Wang was the father of Christy. Christy is nineteen. There was a good group of youth with her and their parents. I felt like I was a celebrity. They wanted to have me over for dinner and take pictures with me. The host of the dinner that I was originally invited to had me go to his house. That was a little scary to receive at first, but everyone was coming. All the youth became my friends. Sarah drove us to the house. Seeing all four the youth reminded me of Jamaica because they were squeezing themselves in the back seat.
The driving in China is very interesting. Everyone just goes wherever they want. People respect that. Cars, pedestrians, scooters all go wherever they want, so every Chinese has a special sence of carefulness that Americans don't understand. There is a carefulness. With carefulness of course comes a patience; however, with this carefulness they drive slow.
When Sarah first turned left to visit the family's house, she was driving on the wrong side of the road. If I had not gone to Jamaica, I bet many of you would think I would be scared, but I actually find it humorous. After a few moments we were driving on the right side of the road. When we arrived at the house, I was received by a crowd of people with the youth as a "posse." I met many people there only for like five minutes; then we went to the host's house. I still did not know what is going on. They asked me if I wanted to take a shower. I actually did because I did not the day before. After that they asked if I was sleeply. The plan seemed to be that we were going to say the night there. I was able to please everyone, and everyone loved me. One of the youth loves foriegn people, and the youth helped me join QQ. After that I wondered if the room that I was working on the computer with and shown was my room. When I saw that I was twelve, I decided to sleep. EVERYONE was in "my room," hanging out. I got up to say I am going to sleep, and get out of my room if it was my room. When I told everyone my decision, I was shown into my room. Yeah does this email seem like it will never end. I did not know when the celebration or stay with the family would end ether. I thought I was just going to be one dinner and be bad the day that we left.
I felt a headache coming though. When I woke up Friday, I had a slight headache and I did not feel like eating. I was praying that I would not get sick, but I came to know the purpose and hand of God in this day as I exercised trust in him. Mary became worried, she decided to return home that day. That morning I tried to eat, seeking a consistancy in my life. I ate a 馒头, a steam bun, and an apple for breakfast. There was a bowl of rice porridge prepared for me, but I was feeling out of it. I went up to take a nap, after drinking a few glasses of water.
My hydration has been an adventure too. On Thursday morning I woke up so dehydrated and cramping. Drinking water is not served naturally at meals. I asked to water, but the glass was so small. I looked for more liquid that I may drink. We ate the same food for breakfast as we did the twenty dish feast the night before. Since I had nothing new to try, I asked for the soup prepared with extra broth. This morning I taught everyone what broth and the importance of hydration was. To this day Mary talks of the broth experience. I have like three bowls of soup. I needed to be hydrated. I needed to take control of my life. I stopped Mary from serving me the food that she wanted me to eat, and after this day she finally understood my right to chose for myself what I want.
After my nap, I felt a little better, but we were still leaving. I was realizing at this time that this would be perfect timing to figure out how to go to church. I found that the closest church in China to where I live as in Suzou. Of course I was questioned. They do not understand the concept of church. Communication is hard, since Mary barely knows English. I learned to not be annoyed by her and humbled myself by the end of this Friday. A family friend had to drive us to Nontang; although, our original plan was to take the bus. The friend came because we waited like two hours standing on the side of the road, waiting, and it never came. When we came home, Mary started talking about going to church tomorrow. Tomorrow was Saturday though. I have boldly emphasized my right to observe my religion for myself. The next morning I was rushed off to find the church for me. I was afraid that they were convincing me to attend a Catholic Church in Nontang. I stood my ground though. A humble servant of the lord came. She spoke English. She was a Chinese kindergarden teacher of a local school. I came out to be a Seventh-day Adventist Church. The sister respected me, and she was a great mediator for me with Mary. Mary wanted to go to the address that I found in Suzou, but I was prompted to say that we should do more investigation to make the trip worthwhile. When I proposed the idea to go on the internet and figure out what I can, they were surprised, asking why I was happy, laughing. They said. How can I do research without a computer or internet. Computer and the internet has been more readily accessable than my own clothing, so I knew that my request would be received.
Mary's little brother was driving us around. Using his computer at his house, I felt good. I had my appetite and ability to work out what is going on, trusting the church. When I found that church websites were not going to offer any phone numbers of local leaders for advice, I clicked to chat with the missionaries They gave me the phone number of the district president at Beijing. She spoke of virtual sacrament and meeting, since I was not in Beijing. I was down for anything. Just as long as I can partake of the Sacrament, but God had a greater plan for me. The leader of the Beijing Church heard that lived near Suzou, saying that there is a branch there. She gave me their contact information, and we called to figure out what is best. Mary was so worried. She did not want me to get lost in China especially on my first weekend here; however, my new branch president Benson comforted her, offering the option to stay at her house. Since this was an option, I ask if I could get clothing and stuff. Mary said yes, but when we were on the road, heading out of town, I received the news that I was going to meet new people and stay at their house without anything AGAIN. I basically had the clothing on me.
We were off, and I had the address. It was in English though, and Mary could not attempt to understand that. When we arrived at Suzou, they asked around for a church. I know that it would be the wrong place, but it was Suzou. The place of my new branch, and I was going to stay there. We arrived at a big BIG cathedral. They tried to convince me that this was my church. I asked for the phone to call my branch president. I said that we were in Egret Park. Recognizing where we were, he told me to give the phone to Mary. After discussion, we were off again, but we had another humble servant with us as a guide from the cathedral. We finally met up with President Benson, and he showed us the house that we have our meetings. A couple guys were there, and we hang out. Mary loves to talk. President Benson has been studying Mandarin for twenty years, so he told us Mary's touching vision.
Mary works for a Chinese Ophanage, but she knows how corrupt the system is. She has been working hard, sacraficing a lot obtain this vision, which is to have the profits of the school that I will be beginning perhaps called MaryInternational Education go to build a new private ophanage program by herself. In my house in Capitola, we have heard scary stories of Mary, but I trust as I said in my last talk and article at the Ocean Branch weekly services. Every person is a pure child of God; despite, the natural man is scary. Mary is a very loving person.
Mary gave my two hundred yuan for my bus fare home and entrusted me with President Benson. When I entered his car, I was received by two of his wonderful children. Emma, nearly four years old, and Anders, perhaps two. President Benson said that we were going to pick up the rest of his children after we buy me a bus ticket home for Sunday after church. His children were getting haircuts, and as I waited in the car to see him return with his newly groomed children. I counted FIVE addition children. The oldest Benny, second Hannah, third (I forgot.), Layo, and Oscar. I have eight new siblings now. You may count seven, but President Benson's wife is due this coming week for the eight name Anniegene or something close to that.
The Benson Family is stush (luxurious). When Mary gave me a towel to dry myself off after showing, I received basically a sweat rag towel, and when I look for a towel at the Benson's the first towel that I found as the biggest beach towel that I ever seen like seven feet by five feet. At dinner I broke the news to them, that their common fast food dinners of KFC and what not was a first for me. I know that KFC is not luxurious, but they are stush. I wanted more movies there that I have this entire year. How to train your dragon is a pretty awesome movie. The children all loved me, hoping that I would come every week, but with the new child coming, my extra body in the home was just a warm up. The Benson Family is amazing they were all prepared before I got up about seven. I do not know the time because I do not have a watch or a clock. I can use my phone, but it is sixteen hours off. This morning (today being Sunday) I finally had my traditional oatmeal and raisin breakfast.
I was almost going to go into withdrawals without my oatmeal and raisin breakfast.
The Suzou Branch is a real BRANCH, and it is full of the some noble of the children of God. They are currently recovering from most of the people coming home from vacation. They usually have sixty people. The branch is so mature.
I am so grateful for all that God has prepared for me in China. I never doubted God's care. We even have a YSA Sabbath supper next week for Fast Sunday, and I hear the food is as glorious as it is in the Ocean Branch. I love the people of China. I see that the people that I email may think that I am unapproachable with conversation; Not even one question. Please forward this to the Branch, family and so forth, and post this on my Facebook wall as a note like I use to do with Trevor's emails. Just tag me. Take care. I hope to hear from you soon.
(Hint to Elder Hicken and Angulo) THIS is a NOVEL.
Dear Family,
This week has been amazing. God works in mysterious ways. On Wednesday Mary took me to celebrate the New Year with her family. She has like six siblings, so currently her family is rich in the ability to have great reunions. I fear that the tradition of celebrating the New Year with a great amount of family will deminish in a few generations, since most families only have one children now. Soon instead of siblings unite with their parents and children, it may be the child meeting their parents with their children. The population will decrease dramatically; then, they will have to stop the one child rule.
The first evening I meet a lot of her family. They gambled, playing a card game, as they waited for dinner. Fruit was served, and I was able to eat fresh Apples, Cutie Oranges, and Longan. At dinner we were gathered around a table. Not all of the family could gather around the table, but I may have been at the main table. They brought out many dishes. Guess how many... TWENTY different dishes. Since this was the real Chinese traditional food, I had to try each dish. They were mostly very good. I wondered about the meat that tasted of cheese though.
Wednesday morning before we left to visit Mary, my host,'s family, I woke up about seven, my usual time. I look out the window to see China, and I saw many adults, practicing Tai Chi, at the school that I will be teaching at. I had to go join them. When I first met them, I asked for the teacher; then, they realized that I was Mary's new teacher, since I spoke English. They could barely speak a word of English, so they continued. Their movements were hard to imitate at first. After watching them, they pulled out their swords. That was cool to see. I still tried to imitate them. When they concluded, practicing with their swords, they pulled out their fans. I got better at imitating them; then, one gave me a fan to practice with. They practiced to music, and for one song I did pretty well. I was pulled off to the side by a teacher, when they practice with two fans; one in each hand. The teacher show me the basic steps of Tai Chi until the morning work out was over. They practice each morning at seven, but I have not joined them yet because I went to celebrate the New Year with Mary's family and CHURCH.
I woke up really early on Thursday, since I went to sleep super early. I checked my email, since I could not think of anything else to. I was not informed how to prepare properly for the trip. In my emails I saw my application progress as I entrusted it to my parents after my best efforts. A couple days ago I received an email saying that they received my transcripts in time and my application, further explaining an acceptance letter may be coming.
Mary likes to sleep in, and there was not much to do Thursday morning. Since my feet were cold, I took a walk. My feet being cold has been a cause that seems to be only a temperary dilemma; although, I feel that I have adapted quickly. The desire to have warm feet was a focus of my decisions the first few nights. The nights and days have sounded like a war outside or a hurricane with all the fireworks. Mary's family did not have any so I did not personally see the adundant fireworks at a good view.
After lunch on Thursday I was still bored, hanging out. I want up to my room with a hint of home sickness, but I mainly wanted to keep my feet warm in my bed. When they found me there, they said that they had pulled out the badminton rackets and a birdy to play with. I went down to hang out, and I saw one of the family grandma's picking seeds out of cotton. I saw that helping her would be the most amazing thing. When they saw this, they came and joined the work, and we finished picking the seed out of bundles of cotton. Too bad I forgot my cord to my camera I took a good picture of everyone together. (I also forgot my shaver cord to charge that, so at church today I looked a little scruffy.
Thursday evening was interesting. Mary said that she was going to take me out to dinner. I never know exactly what is going on, but I trust the Chinese people. I was taken to another family gathering. At first I did not understand that was the case, for a government worker introduced me to "English students of the local university," which I found out latter that it was just another family gathering hosted by Mary's Sister's family. The government worker of the daughter of a family friend, which was my age, that was a local English teacher too. The government worker spoke English very well, so we were friends perhaps. I tried to ask her out; although, she lived like two hours away. I am still working on that. One thing that I had to overcome was that Mary would tell me what to say and try to chose the food that I would eat, but I overcame this when I met at this family dinner. I met all the "English students individually." I recalled that on named Christy said that she would be willing to teach me Mandarin. Sarah, the government worker, and Mary lead me to eat at another table that the sister was hosting. Mary's sister's husband loved my excitement to try all the new Chinese food, and he would spin the thingabob with each new dish served to me. It is tradition at these dinners to have toasts like twenty times. I think that it is partially a measure of seeking to be drunk. A man named Mister Wang came to meet me. I expected to go aside to talk a little bit, but he just main a toast, which was all that he expected. I asked his name, but he went back to his friends table. The government worker said that he wanted to make friends with me, since I was American, wanting to host me for dinner the next day. As I sat next to my government worker friend, kind of feeling like my date, I asked for a pen and a pencil, since she explained that we can communicate through a social networking organization popular in China called QQ. Each person suppose to have a number for this social network. I wanted Christy's help learning Mandarin, so I went to go find her with the pen and paper to obtain this "number." It turned out that my new friend Mister Wang was the father of Christy. Christy is nineteen. There was a good group of youth with her and their parents. I felt like I was a celebrity. They wanted to have me over for dinner and take pictures with me. The host of the dinner that I was originally invited to had me go to his house. That was a little scary to receive at first, but everyone was coming. All the youth became my friends. Sarah drove us to the house. Seeing all four the youth reminded me of Jamaica because they were squeezing themselves in the back seat.
The driving in China is very interesting. Everyone just goes wherever they want. People respect that. Cars, pedestrians, scooters all go wherever they want, so every Chinese has a special sence of carefulness that Americans don't understand. There is a carefulness. With carefulness of course comes a patience; however, with this carefulness they drive slow.
When Sarah first turned left to visit the family's house, she was driving on the wrong side of the road. If I had not gone to Jamaica, I bet many of you would think I would be scared, but I actually find it humorous. After a few moments we were driving on the right side of the road. When we arrived at the house, I was received by a crowd of people with the youth as a "posse." I met many people there only for like five minutes; then we went to the host's house. I still did not know what is going on. They asked me if I wanted to take a shower. I actually did because I did not the day before. After that they asked if I was sleeply. The plan seemed to be that we were going to say the night there. I was able to please everyone, and everyone loved me. One of the youth loves foriegn people, and the youth helped me join QQ. After that I wondered if the room that I was working on the computer with and shown was my room. When I saw that I was twelve, I decided to sleep. EVERYONE was in "my room," hanging out. I got up to say I am going to sleep, and get out of my room if it was my room. When I told everyone my decision, I was shown into my room. Yeah does this email seem like it will never end. I did not know when the celebration or stay with the family would end ether. I thought I was just going to be one dinner and be bad the day that we left.
I felt a headache coming though. When I woke up Friday, I had a slight headache and I did not feel like eating. I was praying that I would not get sick, but I came to know the purpose and hand of God in this day as I exercised trust in him. Mary became worried, she decided to return home that day. That morning I tried to eat, seeking a consistancy in my life. I ate a 馒头, a steam bun, and an apple for breakfast. There was a bowl of rice porridge prepared for me, but I was feeling out of it. I went up to take a nap, after drinking a few glasses of water.
My hydration has been an adventure too. On Thursday morning I woke up so dehydrated and cramping. Drinking water is not served naturally at meals. I asked to water, but the glass was so small. I looked for more liquid that I may drink. We ate the same food for breakfast as we did the twenty dish feast the night before. Since I had nothing new to try, I asked for the soup prepared with extra broth. This morning I taught everyone what broth and the importance of hydration was. To this day Mary talks of the broth experience. I have like three bowls of soup. I needed to be hydrated. I needed to take control of my life. I stopped Mary from serving me the food that she wanted me to eat, and after this day she finally understood my right to chose for myself what I want.
After my nap, I felt a little better, but we were still leaving. I was realizing at this time that this would be perfect timing to figure out how to go to church. I found that the closest church in China to where I live as in Suzou. Of course I was questioned. They do not understand the concept of church. Communication is hard, since Mary barely knows English. I learned to not be annoyed by her and humbled myself by the end of this Friday. A family friend had to drive us to Nontang; although, our original plan was to take the bus. The friend came because we waited like two hours standing on the side of the road, waiting, and it never came. When we came home, Mary started talking about going to church tomorrow. Tomorrow was Saturday though. I have boldly emphasized my right to observe my religion for myself. The next morning I was rushed off to find the church for me. I was afraid that they were convincing me to attend a Catholic Church in Nontang. I stood my ground though. A humble servant of the lord came. She spoke English. She was a Chinese kindergarden teacher of a local school. I came out to be a Seventh-day Adventist Church. The sister respected me, and she was a great mediator for me with Mary. Mary wanted to go to the address that I found in Suzou, but I was prompted to say that we should do more investigation to make the trip worthwhile. When I proposed the idea to go on the internet and figure out what I can, they were surprised, asking why I was happy, laughing. They said. How can I do research without a computer or internet. Computer and the internet has been more readily accessable than my own clothing, so I knew that my request would be received.
Mary's little brother was driving us around. Using his computer at his house, I felt good. I had my appetite and ability to work out what is going on, trusting the church. When I found that church websites were not going to offer any phone numbers of local leaders for advice, I clicked to chat with the missionaries They gave me the phone number of the district president at Beijing. She spoke of virtual sacrament and meeting, since I was not in Beijing. I was down for anything. Just as long as I can partake of the Sacrament, but God had a greater plan for me. The leader of the Beijing Church heard that lived near Suzou, saying that there is a branch there. She gave me their contact information, and we called to figure out what is best. Mary was so worried. She did not want me to get lost in China especially on my first weekend here; however, my new branch president Benson comforted her, offering the option to stay at her house. Since this was an option, I ask if I could get clothing and stuff. Mary said yes, but when we were on the road, heading out of town, I received the news that I was going to meet new people and stay at their house without anything AGAIN. I basically had the clothing on me.
We were off, and I had the address. It was in English though, and Mary could not attempt to understand that. When we arrived at Suzou, they asked around for a church. I know that it would be the wrong place, but it was Suzou. The place of my new branch, and I was going to stay there. We arrived at a big BIG cathedral. They tried to convince me that this was my church. I asked for the phone to call my branch president. I said that we were in Egret Park. Recognizing where we were, he told me to give the phone to Mary. After discussion, we were off again, but we had another humble servant with us as a guide from the cathedral. We finally met up with President Benson, and he showed us the house that we have our meetings. A couple guys were there, and we hang out. Mary loves to talk. President Benson has been studying Mandarin for twenty years, so he told us Mary's touching vision.
Mary works for a Chinese Ophanage, but she knows how corrupt the system is. She has been working hard, sacraficing a lot obtain this vision, which is to have the profits of the school that I will be beginning perhaps called MaryInternational Education go to build a new private ophanage program by herself. In my house in Capitola, we have heard scary stories of Mary, but I trust as I said in my last talk and article at the Ocean Branch weekly services. Every person is a pure child of God; despite, the natural man is scary. Mary is a very loving person.
Mary gave my two hundred yuan for my bus fare home and entrusted me with President Benson. When I entered his car, I was received by two of his wonderful children. Emma, nearly four years old, and Anders, perhaps two. President Benson said that we were going to pick up the rest of his children after we buy me a bus ticket home for Sunday after church. His children were getting haircuts, and as I waited in the car to see him return with his newly groomed children. I counted FIVE addition children. The oldest Benny, second Hannah, third (I forgot.), Layo, and Oscar. I have eight new siblings now. You may count seven, but President Benson's wife is due this coming week for the eight name Anniegene or something close to that.
The Benson Family is stush (luxurious). When Mary gave me a towel to dry myself off after showing, I received basically a sweat rag towel, and when I look for a towel at the Benson's the first towel that I found as the biggest beach towel that I ever seen like seven feet by five feet. At dinner I broke the news to them, that their common fast food dinners of KFC and what not was a first for me. I know that KFC is not luxurious, but they are stush. I wanted more movies there that I have this entire year. How to train your dragon is a pretty awesome movie. The children all loved me, hoping that I would come every week, but with the new child coming, my extra body in the home was just a warm up. The Benson Family is amazing they were all prepared before I got up about seven. I do not know the time because I do not have a watch or a clock. I can use my phone, but it is sixteen hours off. This morning (today being Sunday) I finally had my traditional oatmeal and raisin breakfast.
The Suzou Branch is a real BRANCH, and it is full of the some noble of the children of God. They are currently recovering from most of the people coming home from vacation. They usually have sixty people. The branch is so mature.
I am so grateful for all that God has prepared for me in China. I never doubted God's care. We even have a YSA Sabbath supper next week for Fast Sunday, and I hear the food is as glorious as it is in the Ocean Branch. I love the people of China. I see that the people that I email may think that I am unapproachable with conversation; Not even one question. Please forward this to the Branch, family and so forth, and post this on my Facebook wall as a note like I use to do with Trevor's emails. Just tag me. Take care. I hope to hear from you soon.
I have arrived!
25 January 2012
I have arrived safely, and everything is good. It is not as cool here as I thought. It is basically the same as our house.
When I arrived in Beijing, I could see fireworks out of the window of the plane. I thought that there would be festivals like in Thailand or Japan, but the celebration of the New Year's at least here in Nontang is very family oriented. They mainly have a week off to gather as family each others houses to eat and socialize.
It is 2:30 in the morning, so it seems that I will have jetlag. I want to go to sleep.
On the twelve hour flight to Beijing, I sat next to a girl named Bing, after the season of Winter, meaning Ice, for she was born in the month of January. I had her be my first teacher of Mandarin Chinese. I bought a notebook that I plan to carry around. The first statements of the notebook that I have in Chinese and English are "Can you teach me Mandarin Chinese? This is all I know. Please review what I know and share more."
I wrote a lot in my journal, read the scriptures, and studied Mandarin. Another question that I added to the list on my notepad is: "Where do you think that I should begin learning Mandarin Chinese. Bing said that I should first learn pingying the finetics of the language spelt out in English.
I am doing well. I have ten days to prepare to teach. Tomorrow Mary and I are going to celebrate the New Year with family.
Alexander Hicken
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