Friday, July 22, 2011

Spiritual Thought of the Week: Trust God

This past week an experience that I had inspires me to write concerning the hard task to trust someone. I want to speak concerning trusting God more specifically. My first two entries had spiritual thoughts, so I want to add the spiritual thought of this week now.
Trust is often a thing that determines the depth of a relationship. In a mortal relationship, it is often a blessing upon righteousness, respect, honesty, and purity within a bond. Appealing to the trust of a person bring an openness from the person. This can be most comforting to both ends of the union. Living according to the way that will bring greater trust into a relationship brings a greater embrace of between each other. As I said righteousness, respect, honesty, and purity can develop the bonds that you desire with you loved ones.
A person with all of these attributes is God. He is a person of flesh and bone as we are; however, everything about them is perfect. God the Father, the father of our spirits, loves us a lot. He desires the best for us unto the blessing of living with him with all his blessings. He developed a plan to make his desires happen. Before God created this world, he gather all this children, discussing everything concerning his plan. In heaven, where we abode before our live on Earth, the knowledge of wickedness was most limited, but we need to learn of wickedness, live life, and make choses for ourselves without the knowing God and everything. We need to find what we truly want from live, chasing after it whether it is a live of a complete embrace, a partial embrace, or a very limited embrace of God's desires. Our Father is a man of Justice. He does not allow any degree of sin abide in his presence, so we have a long way to be sinless.
When our Heavenly Father presented this beautiful plan of happiness, he organized everything with his perfect wisdom. He knows everything, for the author of the plan of our redemption from sin is himself. He wrote this plan to be very person and most lovingly to try to give us the best opportunity come to find our own greatness in him. Making the chose to try our best concerning God's will blesses us with the mercy of God from the mediator, the man that makes everything happen. Without this mercy all our lives would be lost. The man that makes everything happen even the creation of the Earth that we inhabit is the Son of God. We are to do everything in the his name of Jesus Christ according to his perfect will as his father, for this is how were earn his mercy, trusting his perfect will. God has the way that will lead to a truly blessed life. He backs his promises with his infinite power, and all his words will be fulfilled in our lives. It takes a lot of trust to live according to his word. His word comes from, a man, Jesus Christ and his chosen prophets; although, it is natural to seek and trust God. The opposition in life makes everything hard for us.
The leader of this opposition is Satan. I have faced his opposition as I am a missionary. We see his work limiting the embrace of God by making life as difficult as possible to receive the word of God. A few weeks ago I tried to meet with a sister that she may receive the word of God and the blessing of the way by learning and living according to the wisdom of God. Everything seemed to be going wrong. It was raining. She was grounded. We also even got into a car accident, but we trusted God's protection and the car was lead to not be damaged. The following week she became badly ill. Her phone was messed up, and she was busy with family stuff. All of this was to limit her from receiving the word of God and the blessing of embracing and trusting God. Over these past months, trying to meet with her, I learned to never give up, for God loves her. He wants her to receive all the blessing that he has for her. We have to work out the salvation of mortal family.

Thank you for your time in reading this. I feel that I can write a lot more, but it is plenty long already. I did not even get to write of the experience that inspired me to write this.

I write these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

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