Tuesday, April 1, 2014

"Hi! Hi! Hi!" by Sister Koroitamana

Hi! Hi! Hi! How was your week? Oh this week has just been so amazing!!! I love being here and being a Missionary!!!Guess what?!?! Kate got baptized yesterday!!! Oh It was such a beautiful day. She was feeling so happy and calm and not even nervous at all. After she was baptized she said she felt clean:) I am so grateful for Kate she has just been so amazing and it's been so wonderful to see and help her come closer to her Savior Jesus Christ. She has such great Faith and is such an amazing person. I feel that we've had to go through alot of hurdles with her. Hurdles that at time me and SIster Johnson would just be like ok what do we do now. I have really grown to love Kate and my Heavenly Father so much! Just seeing how Heavenly Father was able to help us to help Kate was a miracle in itself. Kate just loves Heavenly Father and she is so sincere and just wants to follow him. She will be getting confirmed and will receive the Holy Ghost in 2 weeks. We are so excited for that!!!! Another Great Miracle and Blessing has been seeing how our Members and our whole ward just came together to help and Support her. At first I was feeling a tiny bit overwhelmed with all the things we needed to do to prepare her Baptismal Programme but it has just been so wonderful to see how everyone was so willing to help and got the extra mile with filling the Font, preparing the progammes and preparing refreshments etc.
Another great Miracle that the Lord blessed us with this week was that Andy a man that we've been teaching for a while was able to come to Kate's Baptism. He comes to church and all but he hardly comes to any other activites outside of church. Yesterday as we were getting ready to start. There walks in Andy!!! OH Mama I was so so happy. I just wanted to hug him!!! hahaha lol he's about 74 sweet old man. He reminds me of my grand father:) lol he just walks in and so happy and smiling and says I'm here I'm here!!! I made it!!! I'm here. He is always in my mind. We're always thinking of how we can best help him and what needs madaga. He's been investigating the church for 4 years now and last week we just found out that he's agnostic so he says. Weleeii!!! now we got that figured out we'll do our best to help him. I just know that Heavenly Father wants Andy to be happy and to be able to live with him again. Everytime we share that with Andy he always says that he wants that as well. He loves "Iam a Child of God" . I have come to love andy so much!!!
I love you all so much!!!

Sister Koroitamana

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