Monday, May 5, 2014

Hey Beautiful!

Hey love! 

This whole week has been a little crazy but at the same time Great and alot of unexpected things happened. First of all this past Tuesday was transfers and we (Sister Oakes and I) were told that we were both going to be staying. The next day we received another call saying Sister Oakes had to leave and another SIster was coming her name is Sister Green. I was so sad that whole night because I felt so inadequate and scared because I had not only been in Harbor 1st ward for 2 weeks. I was feeling so down because I've come to love Sister Oakes and I just felt like I was about to fall off the edge of a falling building. I prayed alot to feel the comfort and reassurance of the spirit. I prayed that I would willingly accept Heavenly Father's will in all of this. I knew that he knew what was best for me and that he would always provide for me. I reflected back on all the times I had felt and seen Heavenly Father provide for me. The next day I finally confided in Sister Oakes and told her all that I was feeling. She reminded me again of Heavenly Father's love and she helped me alot! That morning as I was praying I felt impressed to read Joshua 1:9 'I will not fail thee nor Forsake thee" and I felt so comforted knowing that Heavenly Father knew exactly what I was feeling and that he would always provide for me. We finally said our "see You Laters" and Sister Green became my companion on Thursday. That night after a long day. We came back home to our apartment to see that it had been broken into and the window was open and it's lock was broken. We were both so scared we called our Zone Leaders and they quickly came over. We went into the apartment and it looked like nothing had been taken. So to be safe that night we slept over at our Sister Trainer's apartment. The police finally came over to file a police report and this morning the Finger Print guy came over. So that's been my week. It's been pretty busy. On Friday Morning our Sister Trainers made breakfast for me!!! they are such great examples to me. 

Another Miracle that happened this week was that on Saturday we went over to visit our investigators; Rozana and Philip and as soon as we got to their door. Rozana came out crying she had been going through alot with her Family and felt like she couldn't turn to anyone. We listened to her as she just cried and she shared how she feels like Heavenly Father was the only she felt she could really turn to and she was so grateful that we came over that day. We shared with her a scripture in 3 Nephi 12: 3. " Yea blessed are the poor in Spirit who come unto me, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven"
( I was reading this scripture a couple of days prior and I was learning so much about what it means to be poor in Spirit; I came to learn that being poor in Spirit means recognizing how much we need God in our lives; recognizing how much we are truly dependant on him to be able to live and progress.Just like how a poor person needs help with material things in order to survive. I came to learn that part of being poor in Spirit means relying on God; and recognizing that we need him in order to progress) I was so grateful that I had learnt this lesson and as we shared with Rozana I loved how she was such a great example to me of someone who is poor in Spirit. She is such an Amazing Person and she's got such a big heart. We invited her and her brother Philip to church the next day. The next day came and we went over to Rozana's house to help her get ready. Her mom answered the door and right away said," Rozana the Mormons are here" hahaha that was funny!Philip couldn't come because he had slept in. We went to church with Rozana and it was such a great Experience for her. She loved it! it was perfect too because it was fast and testimony Sunday. She was so happy!!!! During Relief Society. Rozana (Ro) participated and asked questions and then at at the end when the Sisters were given time to shre their testimonies Ro looked at me and asked if anyone could go up. I said yeah would you like to go? she Was like Yes and she went right up and shared her testimony of Heavenly Father answering her prayers through us and helping her to know that he's there:) That was such an amazing Experience. I am really grateful for her and her amazing light and Faith in God. She's so excited to come again next Sunday!!!! Her brother Philip called us after church and apologised for sleeping in he sounded really sorry and really sincere, It's just been so amazing to see how these amazing people are growing and to be able to grow with them and feel so much love for them. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father loves each of us and sees the potential that each of his children have to one day become like him and be with him again. 

Another Amazing Experience this week was being able to meet with Thomas and Victoria. They are such great people. About a year ago Victoria saw an add on TV to get a Book of Mormon and so she called the number and then Missionaries showed up at her door:) They've been meeting with Missionaries and their only hold up right now is that they are not married yet. Victoria still needs to get divorced from her previous husband and it's all a long process I think. After a long time we finally got to meet with them both and at first Victoria had a lot of questions about there being only one true church. She was not really willing to accept that. It was a rough start because it got to the point where it started sounding like a debate. I didn't really feel comfortable with that because I know that that wasn't why we were there. My companion was talking alot! And that didn't really help. So I really prayed alot in my heart to know what to say and that Heavenly Father would help me to feel of his love for Victoria and Thomas and their family. I finally spoke up and expressed my testimony for the Gospel and Heavenly Father's love for Victoria and her family. I felt the tone in the room change and that gave our member who came with us her opportunity to share her conversion story. It was such a great lesson towards the end; because then Victoria seemed to calm down and realize that all we were asking her to do was to sincerely pray and find out for herself.That Sunday Thomas was able to come to church. Even though Victoria didn't come with him. He expressed that she really wanted to and will try again next time. I am grateful for their family. I am learning alot about love and how important it is to let that be my motive when we're teaching people and when we're interacting with people. I've come to learn that when we truly love people. They will feel that and they will be more willing to listen because they'll feel that we truly do care about them. I am grateful for the gift to be able to feel Heavenly Father's love for each of his children and to be able to share that with them. I know that he lives and I know that he will help me to help them. 

Have a Great Week!

I Love you Loads

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