Monday, November 10, 2014

'Pictures:)' by Sister Koroitamana

Heya Love! 
How are you? This week has been a great week I learnt alot of great lessons this week. One that really stuck out to me was that when we truly choose to do the Lord's will and not ours things really do work out for the BEST, we're more happier and we allow the Lord to help us become all that he created us to be. When we allow the Lord to really guide us we can become successful. I learnt this On Saturday night. Sister Matheson and I went with CJ and his Mom Maritza to the Visitors Center and they loved it! They are both not members but CJ's father is less active and is not really as involved in the lessons as we'd like. We realized that one of Maritza's main concerns is that she feels that the church is run by men and not really by God. She's had a lot of experiences where the members around her weren't really being the best Examples and she feels that the church is just like a business organization. The Sisters at the Visitors Center really helped alot! We shared about Prophets being called of God and how she can come to really know for herself if she really just prays sincerely and asks God. I loved that the Sisters at the Visitors Center were able to teach to their needs even though they didn't really know much about them. It just makes me really grateful for the Holy Ghost and how it really does help us help us Heavenly Father's children according to their needs. Maritza and CJ are great! we just love them so much! today is Sister Matheson's Birthday!!! So Maritza allowed us to come by her home and let her Maid do our Laundry. That was so nice of her. 

I just sometimes feel like time is just flying by so fast and before we know it it's already Monday again! Wow! this week we have truly seen a lot of Miracles in our lives. We've been meeting with Christina and her family regularly this week and they are just Amazing! We came over for our lesson on Friday and we got to meet her husband. (this whole time we've only been meeting with her and her kids) We got to finally meet her husband and is soo great! Wow! They are just a great family and are so prepared, His name is Pete:) We taught them the Plan of Salvation and they just loved it so much! They had both grown up with some sort of religious background and have always known of just a Heaven and Hell and have kind of always looked at God as a scary being. As we shared the Plan of Salvation with them we really felt that the Spirit was there and they really just beamed. We asked how they felt about it and they said they just felt so comforted in knowing this plan and Christina mentioned that the Moment we started sharing it with her she just knew that it was true. WOW! I really can't put into words how I feel about their family! I just love them so much! Yesterday as we waited in church for CJ and Martiza to come as well as Christina and her family to come! We were just filled with so much as they all came! I really felt like it was all a Miracle! We had saved seats for them in the front and so we all sat together. Christina, Pete and their kids all came and they also brought a friend with them! I just felt so good yesterday being able to be in church with all the people I've really come to love surrounding us. It was Perfect! We had a lesson with Christina and  Pete and their family later that night and they are all preparing to be baptized!!!! I'll attach a picture of them. At the end of the lesson as we all knelt to pray Austin who's 4 agreed to try and say the closing Prayer ( Prior to this he was always too shy to pray) but it was sooo cute to hear him say the Closing prayer. Mama it was sooo Precious! He is soo adorable! Christina Cried as she heard Austin pray:) I am really grateful for a loving Heavenly Father. I know and could feel him with us last night as we shared the Restoration. I know he was with us. We could feel him so close. Ah! What a wonderful feeling! We had our Ward Mission Leader Brother Hiatt with us and it's awesome to be able to work well with our members and help them, be more involved in helping our people progress. 
I learnt something really neat this week that is that 90% of any persons conversion occurs when we (the Missionaries) are not there. That really got me thinking about the importance of not only teaching people these wonderful truths but also helping them to receive revelation for themselves. I feel like this is something everyone needs in order to really be sure and steadfast in the Gospel. 
I reflected alot his week on all that has been happening in our area and I remembered my Call letter. There's a promise in there that says that if I really serve the Lord with all my heart leaving behind all thoughts of home and worldly thinking and truly just give the Lord my he would lead me to those who are prepared to receive his Gospel. I think of Bob and I think of Christina and her family and I really just feel that that that promise is true! As I reflected on this I just felt such a great desire to always be worthy of that promise. I know that Heavenly Father really does help me to my part. How are things on your side? What can I do to help you? What can I pray for? 
I Love you!!!
Sister Koroitamana

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