Monday, November 24, 2014

"Happy Thanksgiving!!!! :)" by Sister Koroitamana

Heya Love!
Transfers was this past week and my new companion is Sister Tanton. She is great and she has really red hair hahaha:) She has been out about  9 months and she is slowly loving being a Sister Training Leader. I know it's taking a lot out of her and I know that sometimes she feels scared. I can honestly say that I know how she feels. Right now I am working on just loving her more and helping her to become her fullest potential. I miss Sister Matheson and all her craziness and our great times but I know and feel that Heavenly Father called Sister Tanton here for a reason. I guess I am learning to involve her more especially as teach. I really want us to teach equally and not have to feel like I'm the one doing the talking all the time. That's really the last thing I want to be. We've really been working on that and yesterday I fasted so that I could know how to help her and involve her more. I was in church and as we listened I felt like Heavenly Father really just wants me to love her as Christ would. So I will work on that. 

This week we also continued to teach the Paguyo Family. They are doing so well. Christina is having a little of a hard time giving up coffee and she doesn't really see why Coffee and Tea are a part of that. We've been praying really hard to know how to help her! please pray for her. On Friday night we were on Exchanges and as I went to bed that night I was thinking alot! about Christina and how we could help her. I felt prompted to share the Restoration again with her and especially pointing out the role of Prophets and how they can receive revelation for our needs. I also felt to encourage her and teach how to receive her own revelation from God of this through the Book of Mormon. I quickly got out of bed that night and wrote this down because knowing me I would surely forget the next morning. ( I realized that most of my promptings usually come when I'm all comfortable in bed- I think Heavenly Father is testing me to see if I value his promptings enough to get up and write it down hahaha:) So Lately I've decided to keep a promptings Journal by my bed. I'm happy to say that It's helped alot!

On Saturday we went with the Paguyo Family to the Visitors Centre and Mama it was so incredible to see them feel the spirit there and just loved being there. As soon as they drove onto the temple grounds Petey (who's 9) immediately recognized that things were different here. He told us he just felt so peaceful and it was all nice quiet compared to all the noise he's used to in his neighborhood. Christina (Petey's Mom) shared how she felt like even on the Temple grounds it felt like it was a whole other world away from the Busyness in Los Angeles. I just wanted to cry and my heart was so filled with Joy and comfort as they expressed how they felt even before touring the Visitors Centre. Oh the funniest thing happened as well. As we were in front of the Christus Christina shared how earlier that day they were all in a store and Austin (who's 5) told the lady at the store that God was his Father :) then he pointed to Christina and said that she was his Mom and then he pointed  to  Pete (his Father) and said that Pete wasn't really his real Father because Heavenly Father was his Father :) 
we all just laughed as we heard this and it was sooo amazing to me how he was taking in the things that we'd shared with his family. Christina definitely helped him clear that up. At the Visitor's Centre I really felt like it was the most inspired tour we've ever had. I loved the spirit we all felt there and Christina and Pete committed to really read and pray about the Book of Mormon to help them get their own answers from God. Mama I love their family so much! As we went to the room where it showed God's Plan for Families it was soo special to watch the video about this family living the Gospel then it was even more special to see the Paguyo family learning and taking those steps to live the Gospel. We shared something we liked about the person sitting on our right and Austin mentioned that he loved that his Mom prayed with him:) The Gospel is sooo Cool! The next they had other commitments to go to so Christina mentioned that they might not be able to come to church that Sunday! I prayed so much on Saturday to know how to help them choose to follow God first. We woke Sunday Morning and really just promised them blessings of Peace that Heavenly Father has for them if they choose to come to church. ( I am learning that if we really do love someone we will ask them to do hard things because that's the only way they will grow - Oh it's soo hard for me to ask people to do this and make these changes because I know that it's hard sometimes, but it really does bring me alot of comfort and love to know that Heavenly Father really loves them and wants to bless them and the only way that they can truly be happy and feel that fulfilling Joy is through following Jesus Christ and making changes to come closer to him) That day they all chose to come to church! I was really grateful and in awe at the love Heavenly Father has for them and the love that they all have for him.

I Love you Heaps!!!!

Sister Koroitamana:)

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scoot said...

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