Tuesday, February 3, 2015

'Small and Simple Things:)' by Sister Koroitamana

This past Saturday we had the privilege and blessing to go through the Temple with Bob Black. He is the Recent Convert from Manhattan Beach that we found a little over a year ago and helped and was baptized. He looked so happy and at Peace. As we prepared ourselves to go there my heart was sooooooo full of Gratitude and love for our Heavenly Father and Savior and this wonderful work and for leading us to find Bob and especially for the person that he is now because of the Gospel. Being there with him really just helped me to see the Eternal Perspective of everything we do here. It was really an amazing experience:) One I will cherish forever. As we all stood in the Temple with Bob and some of the members from the Manhattan Beach ward my heart was again filled with so much gratitude and love to be surrounded all in one room with all these people that I've come to love so much! I was sooo filled with Joy. I looked at Bob and saw how he was just taking everything in - it was sooo great to reflect on how the small and simple things we do everyday can really lead to great things. I am grateful the spirit led us to talk to Bob in his Garage that day that we met him. He is soooo cool I am so grateful for Temples. I really needed to go there that day. It really just helped me to feel and see the Eternal Perspective and feel really how much Heavenly Father really does love us so individually and sooo deeply. I am sooo grateful for Covenants. I don't think I ever would have really understood how wonderful covenant keeping really is if I weren't here. Something that I really loved about the Temple this time was just seeing and feeling how single minded to his Father's will our Savior was. I am so in awe and humbled to feel how much love he had for his Father and how obedient he was. I want to be like that. It reminded of this quote I had come across earlier in my Mission: "Remember thatJesus’ power came through His single-mindeddevotion to the will of the Father. He nevervaried from that which pleased His Father.11Strive to be that kind of disciple of the Fatherand the Son, and your influence will neverfade."  Elder Christofferson. I love this quote it's really helped me a lot! and really helped me to feel closer to my Heavenly Father and I've definitely seen and felt this promise ring true. 
This week my Companion and I saw lots of Miracles as well! Wow! I really love listening to and following promptings! I feel like this is something that I am learning so much here and something that I really treasure. I am learning to discern that whatever thought that comes to my mind if it is to do good than I can know with all surety that it is from God:) that is something I am constantly striving to work on and Sister Peterson has really helped me a lot with that. Each time I feel like I am getting a prompting to do something, to visit some one or to go somewhere she's always really supportive regardless of how inconvenient it may be. One such experience happened on Saturday night. We had just had dinner and we were on our way to Hollywood when suddenly and almost subtly the thought to be in a different area and talk to people there came to my mind. I told Sister Peterson about it and we both were like uh..it's a little out of the way and we didn't really have time so we prayed about it and decided that after going tot visit a less active in Hollywood we were going to straight there and talk to people there. We did just that and when we got to the less active Sisters home in Hollywood we called her and told her we were outside and she somehow had forgotten that we were suppose to meet that night hence she wasn't really ready for a visit.We rescheduled with her and straight away went to the place we felt we prompted to go to. As we went there we only had about 30 minutes left for the night so we said a prayer and went about sharing the Gospel. As we got there I personally said a prayer in my heart and just told Heavenly Father that I trusted him and that this is us trying to follow this prompting/good thought. As we  continued to talk with people time almost soo fast caught up with us and before we knew it it was almost time to go home. Right as we were waiting at the light to cross and get to our car. I felt prompted to talk with at least more person while we were still waiting at the light so I turned around and found the person that looked like we could talk to.As we talked with him we learned that his name was Brandon and he looked happy but also a little surprised that we were talking with him. We talked with him and testified to him that we weren't really sure where we should go that night but we felt that we should be there and we knew that God led us there that night for a reason. He looked at us then expressed that a couple of weeks ago he had come across a lady that had told him a little about the Savior coming again and upon hearing that he felt scared because of all the things that were written in scripture that would happen. He expressed that since then that has been on his mind and he has been feeling such a need to go to church but didn't really have any that he was going to. My heart felt so comforted as he said these things and I could just feel so deeply that Heavenly Father loves him so much and that he led us there so that we could help Brandon. We had a great little lesson with him that night and testified to him that we knew God had sent us there to find him. He agreed to come to church and to meet with us again. I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost and for our Heavenly Father and Savior. I am so grateful to know that Our Heavenly Father loves each of his children and knows what it is that they need and as we listen to the subtle whisperings of the Holy Ghost, miracles happen.

I Love you!!! Keep Following your promptings!

Sister Koroitamana:)

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