Friday, February 27, 2015

Personal Dating Advice From God

This blog post is a segment of the journal entry of Alex Hicken found at the following

On Wednesday when Jessica and I began to Skype, a thought popped up in my mind, saying "You should not be dating her." This is not the first time that this happened, so I gave it some thought. Today is Sunday, and Jessica and I are fasting to confirm this prompting today. Pondering the thought that I should not be dating Jessica was unbearable last night, and I expressed it to her.
     The thought that "You should not be dating her." for an odd reason came when I saw how young Jessica looked as we Skyped a couple times. This happened about a month ago, and Jessica felt the prompting to, but we did not hearken to it. Ever since that night on Wednesday, the thought that I should not be dating Jessica has been plaguing my mind. It became so unbearable last night that I could not fake a cheerful nature in our nightly conversations. I have no idea why God intervened in our relationship. I asked if we can text each other rather than talk over the phone because I was troubled by God's advice. I recently learned that if a thought is dwelling on my mind unyielding to my desire for it to go away with prayer, it is the Spirit of God. I had to communicate what was on my mind. It took me forty minutes of pondering whether I should send the text message. I knew that it will turn our relationship into a tailspin. We decided to fast after our hearts were torn apart by the thought that we should be apart. I felt the spirit after beginning the discussion. My fast was a petition to God to let us continue dating. When I got home after the fast and church, I prayed for a long time for a solid answer. I am feeling the spirit strongly sustaining my petition. Today is now Tuesday. I asked what Jessica concluded in our inquiry of God, concerning us. She concluded that we should not continue to date steadily, so we decided to have an open relationship. We are hoping that she will grow into herself by the fall that we may date again.
     It has been a week since our dating drama happened, and things have settled. My revelation was that we can keep our relationship because we want to be together, but Jessica's revelation was that she is not ready for steady dating and marriage. Gordon B. Hinckley once said "It is better, my friends, to date a variety of companions until you are ready to marry." I feel a connection between the personal advice to me from God that "You should not be dating her" with her revelation that she is not ready for a serious relationship. It makes more sense. 'I should not be dating her because she is not ready' is God’s advice. We fasted about whether we should date, and I felt that was a petition to the Lord that we could continue dating, since we did not just let it fall apart. We somewhat decided to quit dating for a little bit until she matures; then, resume the relationship. That didn't make much sense to me. Why should we date around, if we want to be together in the end? Dating is a pain. We decided to work on the things that she feels that she needs to mature in. We were taking it slow anyways, and it's not any slower, but we have a greater focus on our preparations.

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