Friday, October 2, 2015

'So in the world of today: 2 October 2015' by Sam Orr

So in the world of today:
-A report was released saying the NYC doesn’t do much to discipline its bad police officers.
-Arnie Duncan is stepping down as secretary of education. John B King will replace him.
-the ship El Faro and its 33 crew members is missing near hurricane Joaquin.
-a shooter targeted Christians at Umpqua community college. 9 were killed and 9 were injured.
-The Vatican made a point of saying that the pope’s meeting with Kim Davis was not a sign of support.
-6 states declared a state of emergency in preparation for hurricane Joaquin.
-Canada plans to make a phone line so people can call in on Muslims using ‘barbaric cultural practices’.
-South Africa is losing a minimum of one person a day to Isis recruitment.
-The US told Russia to fight Isis instead of Syrian rebels.
- Someone set A California Planned Parenthood clinic on fire.
-Obamacare costs went up 50% in Minnesota.
- North Korea called for a peace treaty with the US.

1 comment:

scoot said...

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