Sunday, February 10, 2019

Learning from the Mother of Christ's Example

Mary's life in raising Jesus Christ is very limited, but her example of pondering her child's life is emphasized. Two scripture references in Luke say "But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart." (Luke 2:19) "His mother kept all these sayings in her heart." (Luke 2:51) Mary probably told Christ's disciples her account, saying that she did not understand at first, but she came to understand over time by pondering. Pondering is a key to revelation from Holy Ghost.
Joseph F. Smith is a testament of this precept, for he wrote "As I pondered over these things which are written, the eyes of my understanding were opened, and the Spirit of the Lord rested upon me," (D&C 138:11) I am a pondering person too, and I would like to add my testimony to this principle. My truths are realized through thinking. I know this not sympathetic; however sometimes, when I hear people struggle on receiving answers, I ponder 'If you just think about it, the answer will come. It doesn't have to take years.' Maybe I have a gift of the Spirit.

1 comment:

Thomas Hicken said...

Another great example from her is from this weeks readying (John 2-4).

Mary said to the servants at the wedding, "Whatsoever he (Jesus) saith unto you, do it." (John 2:5)

She had faith in her son and helped the servants also have faith. And because they were obedient to his directions, they witnessed the miracle of the water changed to wine. [Mari pointed this out to me today.]

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