Saturday, October 8, 2011

Creating a Central Source of Communication for a Community Through Twitter

As you may have noticed, I am kind of fazing away from this blog, focusing more on the Ocean YSA Branch Weekly blog. Since I see that people still have the care to visit the blog after its been a week or so to post an entry, I am inspired to write of an endeavor that I am working on for the branch of my church that I am in to make a more united community.
Most people are part of a community. In this community, a general openness of many things is needed to be able to serve each other. If there is a big community of fifty people, you do not want to send texts to each individual. A mass email can be okay, but that is not too commonly useful. I figured out how to make communication simple for the entire community to reach.
 each other with one single number on a cell phone.
Using twitter, I thought, making an account, that everyone can mention an account's username, receive the tweets in texts, and see that twitter could be a central source of communication. This did not work though. I soon found that if a twitter user mentions another twitter user the tweet does not count as the mentioned user-name's tweet, and none of his followers will receive that text. That does not accomplish my desire to have a simple way to address a large group of people through texting. I desire a singular phone number to address a body of people rather that addressing each person individually. Even on twitter you still have to address an individual by their username. Why do we need an address the individual if everyone should hear the news?
In this informing central source of open connection for everyone, we can support each other. I don't only want this for myself, but I want the entire community to be able to address that community. Each person is knowledgeable and capable in themselves to do things that another cannot. For example, someone needs transportation to an activity; instead of texting every person individually, we have a single phone number to send the message to, and everyone will receive the text. When an individual responds to the tweet with the same number that the person, asking the favor, used, everyone will know that when that person's need is met because it will go through twitter. Only the tweets of a twitter username is sent to his following. Perhaps another person sees that driver will be passing by their house and asked to join in the carpool.
I found a way to do this. I was trying to figure out a way to use a retweet bot, but I could not; however, I found that tweets the updates of blogs. Thinking this out, I realized that you can text posts to blogs at, so I further looked, seeing that you can add multiple authors to a blog. We can now have the desire of a central phone number to text a general community. The new number would be bloggr; although, you can name it whatever you want. Do you see what would happen? Everyone can texts posts to the same blog, and twitterfeed would tweet it at a central username on twitter. All of the followers of that account can receive the updates of that community by text. There could be some down falls; however, they can be easily addressed.
I see it may be seen as a hassle to add people to be an author of a blog. It is more simple than choosing to follow a twitter user though. The main guy running the blog only needs to give a code for a potential author to text to at the 256447 number or bloggr, and she becomes an author; however, giving out the codes to every person may be a pain, it is simple.
Another down fall is that the blog sees the updates as an anonymous writer, so someone can easily fake to be someone else. For example, if I sign a name to a post asking for a ride to an activity, I may be adding the name of a person, which did not need the ride, so further communication would be needed to follow up if the source is credible. Which someone may do anyways, making further arrangement to pick up the individual at what time and place, and so forth privately.
A third downfall is that the two blog feed websites, which I found to tweet the updates would only do it once every half hour, so the updates come slowly; unless, you want to watch the blog. The tweets are not instantaneously updated, but the blog is. Procrastination, organizing things in the last minute, would be bad through twitterfeed as it updates every half hour; unless, someone is watching the twitterfeed account forcing it to tweet the updates.
In conclusion a community can have a central bulletin board type source of communication. This communication can be used very dynamically. Here is another example. If you want to invite and remind a singular person to an activity,  the fruits of that effort can be greater, for instead inviting one person; everyone is invited. This is definitely not good for asking out a girl. haha, but this service can be good step towards a community's unity, if they are trustworthy.

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